Friday, July 26, 2024

Top 10 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Around The Globe

Do you know there are numerous UNESCO sites across the globe? And the task of choosing Top 10 UNESCO World Heritage Sites among them was quite tough. But the following 10 sites are worth the hype and the majority of them are on the bucket list of everyone.

All the places are popular tourist attractions and are very easily accessible. So, are you ready to have a look at the most magnificent Sites in the world? Here they are:


Top 10 Unesco World Heritage Sites

1. Cinque Terre – Liguria, Italy

top 10 unesco world heritage sites

Cinque Tree was designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997. This location’s grandeur is due to how little human influence there has been. The reason behind this is pretty simple: this place is majorly inaccessible due to a lack of proper transportation.

Consequently, there have never been any major development projects in this area. Breathtaking towns and picturesque landscapes made this spot popular among both local and international tourists.

A significant part of the economy today comes from the tourism industry. Walk along the inland tracks of the island and you’ll find yourself surrounded by plantations on every side. Tourism has been very successful here, especially in the villages.

There is only one train line that connects Cinque Terre with the outside places. However, this issue was not strong enough to deter tourists from visiting this place, as more than thousands of tourists from all over the globe gather here every month.


2. Taj Mahal – India

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is too magnificent to be left on our list. The mausoleum made of white marble stands beautifully as the symbol of love and is known to be on the bucket list of several travelers.

If you are planning to visit this amazing site, I will suggest that the early morning tours let you see another side of this magnificent place and will help you avoid the unnecessary crowd.

It was made in the 17th century by one of the famous Mughal Emperors, Shahjahan in memory of his loving wife. The construction went on for about 22 years with more than 21,000 workers. It is situated in Agra which is in the western part of Uttar Pradesh.

UNESCO recognized it in 1982. A project concerning the restoration of this heritage site was done in the 20th century under the Supervision of Lord Curzon.


3. The Great Wall – China

Great wall China

Looks like China is not only famous for its Covid Virus but also for one its amazing architectural construction. This heritage site is allegedly seen from the space as well and is the only one of its type. Well, that is something really amazing.

The great wall of China spreads over an extended length of 12,500 miles. Starting from the 3rd Century BC, the construction went on till the 17th century BC. The main part of this construction includes a large variety of structures such as fortresses, watch towers, walls, and much more.

The Great wall of China is still believed to protect the residents of China and is the national symbol for safeguarding their nation.


4. Great Barrier Reef – Australia

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1981. Your trip to Australia will definitely be incomplete without the tour of the Great Barrier Reef.

This site presents a magnificent view with more than 230 species of birds and nearly 1400 species of fish along with the largest cluster of coral reefs.

Apart from all these, the visitors can get to see a huge variety of Marine Worms, Crustaceans, and Sea Anemones. There are glass boats that let you see fantastic beauty underneath. The Great Barrier Reef covers an approximate area of 348,000 square kilometers.


5. Chichen Itza – Mexico

Chichen Itza

Along with being one of the World Heritage Sites UNESCO in 1988, Chichen Itza also falls under the New 7 Wonders of the World as of 7th July 2007. Every year, more than 20,000 visitors come to see this magnificent beauty. It holds a large number of Mayan Ruins that tell many tales about its history.

The place has been divided into two sections among which one is called the Chichen Itza and the other part is known as the Old Chichen. There are 20 ruins in the old part and 6 in the latter which sums it up to 26 ruins altogether.

The most crucial one is the El Castillo, the pyramid. The historical place is located on the eastern side of Mexico, in an area called Yucatan.


6. Petra – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Petra - Jordan

Petra has attracted a lot of visitors with its half-carved-out and half-built structure. Its magnificent architecture has earned the title of โ€œseven wonders of the world.โ€ This half-cut city is situated between the dead sea and the Red Sea in a desert located in the Southwestern part of Jordan.

The red sandstone is the reason behind it being called the rose-red city. It consists of a 40-meter-high facade which is believed to be built in the 1st century BC and looks like that of a mirage. No wonder, the director thought it to be the perfect spot for the shooting of Indiana Jones.

Petra is also referred to as the โ€œLost City of Jordan.โ€ Thousands of people lived there for a long time, but now it is nothing but an abandoned place. The year 1985 saw the city of Petra listing itself under the UNESCO World Heritage Site and in 2007 earned the title of seven wonders.


7. Kathmandu Valley – Nepal

Kathmandu Valley

If you are planning to visit Nepal, Kathmandu valley has to be on your list. This valley resides at the foot of the Himalayas and is home to not less than 7 UNESCO heritage sites.

It consists of three secular places along with 4 religious places, Two Hindu temples, and two Buddhist stupas. In 1979, it was designated as a UNESCO world heritage site. The 7 sites tell us about the history of various time periods.

The first one among the 7 is the Pashupatinath Temple which is seen near the banks of the Bagmati river. The Hindus regard it as one of the holiest locations on Earth. The second temple is the oldest site in the Kathmandu Valley.

The Sawaymbhunath Stupa is as old as 2500 years and has two eyes on it which depict compassion and wisdom.

Another site is the Boudanath Stupa whose mandala-style architecture has attracted a lot of visitors. The nearby areas are packed with beautiful cultural attractions. The next temple was built in the 3rd century BC. Newari settlement and Changu Narayan Temple have also made their way to the list as well. It is situated in Bhaktapur.


8. Machu Picchu – Peru

Machu Picchu

To date, it is considered one of the most urban creations by the Inca empire with ramps, huge walls, and terraces. They look like carvings in a continuous huge rock piece. Till today people wonder why it was built.

The place consists of more than 200 structures that depict ceremonial festivities, religious rituals, and an astronomical sanctuary. This fantastic landscape on the eastern slope of the Andes is a treat to the eye, standing 2430 meters above sea level.

In 1983, it was added to the list of world heritage sites. Surprisingly enough, Machu Picchu was among the pre-columbian ruins which were found intact. Although the cause of its demise is still a mystery, the lack of water close may have contributed.

A Quechua-speaking resident, Melchor Arteaga, brought a famous professor, Hiram Bingham, from Yale University to Machu Picchu in 1911. Then after that, the scientific study of the place was initiated.


9. Cape Floral Region – South Africa

Cape Floral Region

Apart from being popular for its exotic collection of species, South Africa also hosts a wide variety of plant species. The cape Floral region has 3 parts comprising it. The first is the De Hoop Nature Reserve, Next comes to Groot Winterhoek Wilderness Area, and lastly Cape Townโ€™s Table Mountain National Park.

This site was taken into recognition in 2004 and has been the home to more than 25 percent of Africaโ€™s floral diversity. Approximately 6500 species in that area are considered endemic with 1700 species falling under the category of threatened species.

Many of the plants in that area hold a very high economical significance. Among all the six floral kingdoms known, the cape region is known to be the smallest of all. It starts from the Clanwilliam in the western part to Elizabeth port on the eastern side. Even with its small area as compared to others, it has a much larger diversity of plant species than many other kingdoms.


10. Bruges – UNESCO World Heritage Site

Brudges belgium

If you want to get a touch of the medieval historic settlement, you should definitely visit Bruges in Belgium. It is one of the many places that has continued to protect its Gothic constructions and history fabric that strives to be better with time.

Medieval architecture plays a very big part in making Bruges one of the sites among the UNESCO World Heritage sites. It is listed under the World Heritage site since the year 1999.

Bruges has become one of the main identities of Belgium. Belgium is a very small country situated in the northwestern part of Europe. Just like the other countries of Europe, Belgium is very densely populated.

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